
Sea of Health Functional Wellness is a holistic health coaching program by Aubrey Christensen, FDNP, that considers your whole body and how your different systems affect each other while balancing and restoring the body. Every day we are faced with internal and external stressors that ultimately create malfunction in the body. Applying a functional medicine approach, Aubrey uses advanced lab testing, not used by traditional doctors, to uncover hidden imbalances within the body. Using real data, she then identifies healing opportunities that restore balance and resiliency back to the body, all completely drug-free. With the body functioning properly, it can use its innate healing abilities and work properly to avoid any further symptoms, disorders or disease from developing.

Aubrey works with her clients in five main pillars of health: diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and supplementation. Within these categories, Aubrey makes adjustments and recommendations that allow the body to heal. During each coaching session, Aubrey provides her clients with information about their bodies and empowers them to be more in tune and in control over their bodies so they can make informed decisions about their health going forward.

Aubrey’s Story

I started experiencing symptoms in my early 20’s. My first symptom was anxiety. I saw a primary care doctor for my shortness of breath that, at the time, I had no idea was anxiety. He thought it might be asthma so he prescribed me an inhaler. Several years later I started getting perioral dermatitis on my face, which is an inflammatory rash. Over the first couple of years trying to get rid of the dermatitis, I saw a few different dermatologists, all of whom prescribed me antibiotics and steroid creams. It would make it go away temporarily but it always came back. A few years after that I had a baby and experienced PPA/PPD. My doctor prescribed me Zoloft antidepressant along with birth control. Trying to get my anxiety under control, my dosage was increased multiple times and I was still not seeing total relief. This went on for 1.5 years. In 2021 I gained some weight, especially in my belly, something I never experienced before. Once that weight came on, I could not lose it despite eating healthy and exercising. I knew something had to change.

This cycle of throwing medication at the problem without real answers was escalating in a way that I could clearly see the vicious cycle. So in 2020, I stopped taking any medications and set on the path to take control over my own health, naturally. I did my own research and found naturopathic practitioners/doctors who would help me find the answers I was looking for. After a couple years on that health journey, I became very passionate about root causes and natural health approaches. I wondered how I could share this type of care with others and what my role would be in that. Enter Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. Taking the FDN course showed me a natural, whole body approach to health. This whole journey led me here because I knew there had to be a better way. I didn’t settle for less and accept what my doctors told me just because they’re doctors. Being empowered with knowledge about your body is one of the best things you can do & I can’t wait to teach people how. 

What symptoms are you experiencing?

weight gain





Poor memory

Low energy

skin issues

hair loss

Mood swings




muscle aches





cold hands/feet

Brain fog

Poor Sleep


Low libido

Food sensitivities

And More!

Take control of your health