How It works

As an FDN practitioner, I use functional lab tests to do the detective work to identify hidden stressors and dysfunctions that contribute to symptoms and eventually lead to disorders and disease. I then look for correlations to the individual's assessments and symptoms to see where healing opportunities exist. While educating, empowering, coaching and guiding clients, I provide customized recommendations for the individual within diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation lifestyle categories so they can learn how to self-treat themselves in order to improve their health and restore balance and function back to their bodies.

Packages & Pricing

  • Mineral Program


    • Hair Tissue Mineral Assessment (HTMA test)

    • 2 Coaching Sessions

    • Personalized Natural Protocol

    • About a 2-month process


  • Back to Health Program (Adults)


    • 4 Functional Labs

    • 6 Coaching Sessions

    • Personalized Natural Protocol

    • About a 4-5 month process


  • Health Coaching Program (Kids)


    • 2 Functional Labs

    • 4 Coaching Sessions

    • Personalized Natural Protocol

    • About a 3-month process


  • Lifestyle & Nutrition Session


    This session includes: Lifestyle assessment and recommendations within diet, sleep, exercise and stress reduction. Session is 1 hour.


  • Working with Aubrey has been transformational with my gut health.


  • My overall health has improved quite a lot. I have less pain and inflammation and lessened my digestive issues.


  • The tweaks I've made working with Aubrey have gotten me to the next level with my stress and gut issues. I'm seeing an improvement with my SIBO and digestion too.
