HTMA Mineral test

Minerals are critical. They are the spark plugs of your body and the systems within it. Without them, you can’t really heal your gut, balance your hormones, detoxify, or optimize your mental health fully. And a balanced, wholefood diet isn’t enough. Not when our food is deficient in vitamins and minerals and laden with chemicals instead (hello modern farming). When you remineralize the body, you give it the tools it needs to function properly. 

To test your minerals, I run a lab assessment called HTMA (hair tissue mineral assessment). This test can give insight into: 

  • Metabolism

  • Thyroid function

  • Adrenal function

  • Nervous system health 

  • Blood sugar imbalance 

  • Liver health

  • Metal toxicity

  • Stress response

  • Infections

  • Digestion

  • Inflammation

The HTMA results will show various nutritional elements and mineral levels in your body such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, and more. It even tests for heavy metal content such as aluminum, uranium, arsenic, mercury, and lead. The test results also indicate your metabolic type which gives insight into your specific stage of stress. Slow metabolic types nervous system is in parasympathetic and have a depletion of adrenal glands, while fast metabolic types nervous system is in sympathetic and have chronic over stimulation of the adrenal glands. 

After I receive your results, I provide you with a report and go over your custom recommendations. I also give you recommendations within diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation. If you’re interested in doing this test, feel free to contact me and get started today! 

Happy healing, friends <3 


Perioral dermatitis