Perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis is a benign eruption that occurs most commonly in young, female adults, consisting of small inflammatory papules and pustules or pink, scaly patches around the mouth. My own personal experience with PD started in 2012. I first went to the dermatologist where she prescribed me an antibiotic and topical creams. It went away temporarily, but continued to come back. This process went on for a few years. I was always trying to research which skincare products were going to help me, but nothing ever healed it completely. 

Fast forward to 11 years later… after 3 months on my customized FDN protocol, I healed my PD naturally. While everyone is bioindividual, I wanted to share some things that worked for me in case they help anyone going through the same issue. Please keep in mind that everyone is different and has their own combination of imbalances that led to PD. 

What worked for me to heal my perioral dermatitis:

  • I believe this skin disorder to be rooted in the gut. Balancing the gut bacteria, removing pathogens such as fungi, parasites, and opportunistic bacteria, and healing leaky gut all are key in healing PD. Lab tests like the GI Map are helpful in identifying these pathogens and getting to the root of dysbiosis. 

  • The skin barrier is put through so much trauma with PD, it’s important to take care of it and restore it’s integrity. Some products that helped me include:

I tried so many products during my 11 year stint with this skin disorder. I wish I knew the above information back then, but this journey led me here to help people so that’s what I plan to do. If you need help healing your skin, please email or call me.


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