Hidden factors that could be contributing to your health problems


There can be various hidden factors that add up and result in various health issues. These issues evolve into symptoms and if they go on without attention they eventually turn into disease, disorders or even cancer. Some of the hidden factors include the following:

  • Dysbiosis and gut malfunction

  • Mucosal barrier, biofilm, biotoxins

  • Poor nutrient breakdown and absorption

  • Bacteria and yeast overgrowth

  • HPA axis and adrenal dysfunction

  • Cortisol dysregulation, circadian rhythm problems

  • Hormone dynamics and imbalances

  • Oxidative stress, toxicity

  • Sluggish liver, detoxification problems

  • Antigenic overload, pathogenic overgrowth

  • Inflammation and immunodeficiency

By looking at the body as a whole from a root cause approach we can identify these stressors and eliminate them while balancing the body back to health. Schedule a discovery call today to find out more!


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