Why Health coaching?


Health coaches are unique. They bridge the gap that’s missing in our current health care system by providing prevention versus the traditional healthcare model of diagnosing and treating. By waiting for health issues to turn into disorders and disease, we are missing the opportunity to reverse or stop it from getting to that point. The work of a health coach finds healing opportunities and eliminates stressors that would otherwise cause havoc on the body. Using functional lab testing, we are able to get a deeper look into the body and take a more root cause approach.

Health coaches educate, empower and guide clients so they feel supported and armed with information to be able to make decisions about themselves. Being in control over their bodies allows them to not have to outsource their health and depend on someone else.

Symptoms are a sign of imbalance in the body. But there could be things wrong even without symptoms. Health coaches are health detectives who investigate and uncover any hidden dysfunction and make recommendations for you to restore resilience in your body.


Hidden factors that could be contributing to your health problems


Metabolic Chaos