Metabolic Chaos


What is Metabolic Chaos®? Metabolic Chaos® is a term coined by FDN founder, Reed Davis, that refers to an accumulation of imbalances and dysfunctional systems in your body. There are many contributors to Metabolic Chaos® that present as symptoms in the body, and are sometimes even asymptomatic. When symptoms go unnoticed or not dealt with, the body’s systems then continue to create more dysfunction in various connected systems which leads to a cascade of problems and a decline in health state. 

From Reed’s many years of clinical work, he believes that Metabolic Chaos® is one of the most common drivers leading to disease and disorders. This is one of the main areas of focus within FDN’s and why it’s so important to consider a whole body approach. Because all the systems in the body are connect and affect each other, FDN’s do not just look at one system at a time but rather the body as a whole and how it works together.


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